Home > marking & measuring > contour gauge Metal Contour Gauge : With this contour gauge, it can transfer and duplicate irregular shapes with precision. It is ideal for measuring any irregular shape or moldings for reproduction, duplicating spindles on the lathe or any contour measuring jobs. Now, 5" & 6" are available.
Metal Contour Gauge - 5" Measuring length / Item No. : 215-CT-315 Metal Contour Gauge - 6" Measuring length / Item No. : 215-CT-316 |
Letterman United Corp. Taiwan No. 177, Wun-Ya St. Wu-Chi , Taichung ( Postal Code : 435 ) , Taiwan. TEL : 886-4-26567334 FAX : 886-4-26567342 E-mail : letterman888@seed.net.tw & letterman999@gmail.com